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Value and True Value! | |||
Once Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the first Rebbe of Chabad, needed funds to redeem a poor family from captivity. So the Rebbe sent a message to one of his faithful Chassidim, Reb Gavriel Chein, asking for a specific amount.Reb Gavriel and his wife were childless for many years. However, his business had prospered, so that at least he could give lots of charity. Lately, though, his business had turned for the worse. As a result, he simply did not have the money that the Rebbe needed.
When Reb Gavriel's wife learned of the problem, she sold all her jewelry to raise the needed funds. She even polished the coins in honor of the Rebbe and the mitzvah of redeeming captives. Then she carefully wrapped the coins in a cloth bag and gave them to her husband. "Here, take this money to our Rebbe!" she said.
Reb Gavriel set out for the town of Liadi. Soon after his arrival, he entered the Rebbe's chamber with his contribution. As soon as he gazed at the shiny coins, the Rebbe knew every-thing that had happened.
The Rebbe smiled and said, "In the merit of your wife's actions, may you both be blessed with sons and daughters, long life and wealth." And so it was. Reb Gavriel began selling gems and soon became rich. His wife gave birth to many fine children. And they both were able to retire to a life of Torah study, prayer, and acts of charity.
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