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Rebbetin Riddle Says...

Do You Know the 10 Plagues?
  Do you know the story of Purim?Do You Know the 15 Parts of the Seder Meal?  

The Egyptians sure do!

  1. Blood - G-d turned the rivers of Egypt into blood!

  2. Frogs - Millions of frogs jumped all over the Egyptians.

  3. Lice - Itchy lice crawled all over the people.

  4. Mixed animals - All sorts of animals attacked the Egyptians.

  5. Animal sickness - A disease killed the Egyptians' horses, cows, donkeys, camels and other animals.

  6. Boils - Painful sores broke out on all the Egyptians.

  7. Hail - Hail containing fire and ice smashed the crops.

  8. Locusts - A huge cloud of locusts ate every plant.

  9. Darkness - It was so dark that the Egyptians couldn't move.

  10. Death of the Firstborn - G-d killed the firstborn Egyptians, including slaves and animals.

Rabbi Riddle's Kwazy Kwestions:
  1. When Pharaoh finally let the Jews go with all their animals and possessions, what left Egypt first?
  1. Moses's feet!

  Do you know the story of Purim?Do You Know the 15 Parts of the Seder Meal?  

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