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Rebbetin Riddle Says...

Gimme Shelter!
  Don't Blow it!In G-d We Trust!  

Sukkot is the time when we dwell in booths!

When the Jewish people left Egypt, they lived in booths or sukkot. They didn't provide much protection, but HaShem did!

Today, we also leave our warm homes for 7 days and live in simple huts. Like our Jewish ancestors, we learn to trust in HaShem and to recognize all the blessings we have.

We also hold a palm branch, myrtle, willow, and a citron (Esrog) together and make a blessing. These four species symbolize different types of Jews. The mitzvah teaches us the importance of Jewish unity!

Rabbi Riddle's Kwazy Kwestions:
  1. When you build your sukkah, what kind of nail should you never hit with a hammer?
  1. Your fingernail!

  Don't Blow it!In G-d We Trust!  

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