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David King of Israel Lives On! | |||
On Shavuos, we observe the passing of King David. King David was a great prophet, a brave soldier, and a wise king. He wrote five books of Psalms that correspond to the Five Books of the Torah.Our Sages taught that King David is related to Ruth the righteous convert. So on Shavuos, we read the Book of Ruth.
He is also the great-great-great-grandfather of Moshiach, who will lead the Jews back to Israel and build the Third Temple (speedily in our days)!
Moshiach will reveal G-dliness to all, eliminate hunger, jealousy, disease, pain and death, and bring wealth to the entire world! He will teach everyone Torah, from little children to the greatest sages.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe said that acts of goodness and kindness will help bring Moshiach very, very soon!
Rabbi Riddle's Kwazy Kwestions:
- Our Sages say that Moshiach will be the greatest person who ever lived. Who is the fastest?
- Adam. He was first in the human race!
He Was a Holy Man! | Don't Blow it! |
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