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Volume 2, No. 20Welcome to the World of Rabbi Riddle.
Rabbi Riddle Says...
National Committee for Furtherance of Jewish Education

Happy Purim!
  Many Happy Returns!Don't Worry,Be Happy!  
Monday night and Tuesday, we celebrate Purim. This special holiday has five mitzvos: How many can you do?

  1. Hear the Megillah that tells the story of Purim both at night and during the day!

    In the days of Mordechai and Esther, in Shushan the capital of Persia, the wicked Haman rose up against the Jewish people and tried to destroy men, women and children. But on the 13th day of the month of Adar, G-d, in His great mercy, foiled the plan and brought about Haman's downfall.

  2. Give charity to at least two poor people.

  3. Send a gift to at least one friend. It should contain two types of food you can eat right away, like a drink and some cake.

  4. Enjoy a special meal!

  5. Say the special prayer in the Grace After Meals and in the Amidah prayer.

  Many Happy Returns!Don't Worry,Be Happy!  

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