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Volume 1, No. 18Welcome to the World of Rabbi Riddle.
Rabbi Riddle Says...
National Committee for Furtherance of Jewish Education

Modesty is the Best Policy
  A Present from our Past!Don't Worry, Be Happy!  
In this week's Parsha Terumah, G-d commands the Jewish people to make the Mishkan -- a special dwelling place for the Tablets containing the Ten Commandments. In the innermost part of the Mishkan, G-d's glory was revealed. This teaches us to be modest. Just as G-d didn't show off His glory, we shouldn't show off the ways we are special.

  • Modesty includes:

  • The way we speak.

  • The way we dress.

  • The way we act.

  A Present from our Past!Don't Worry, Be Happy!  

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