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Volume 1, No. 17Welcome to the World of Rabbi Riddle.
Rabbi Riddle Says...
National Committee for Furtherance of Jewish Education

A Present from our Past!
  Sea For YourselfModesty is the Best Policy  
This week's Torah Portion, Yisro, describes G-d's eternal gift to the Jewish people: the Torah. It was given on the 6th of Sivan, in the year 2448. That's 3310 years ago!

  • More than 3 million people witnessed the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai!

  • Our Sages say that the soul of every Jew was there!

  • The Torah tells us how to live in peace with each other and the world around us. By following the laws of the Torah, we make the world a holy place, free of hatred, jealousy, and strife.

  Sea For YourselfModesty is the Best Policy  

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