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Rabbi Riddle Says ... |
Volume 4 (Hebrew year 5761 - School year 2000/2001)
Volume 3 (Hebrew year 5760 - School year 1999/2000)
- All Aboard!
- Awake and Sing!
- Protect Yourself!
- Don't Forget to Say "Thanks!"
- G-d is Awesome! And Then Some!
- Blessed is the One Who Blesses!
- Forgive and Forget!
- Flame On
(Chanukah - Part 2)
- Here's a Bright Idea!
(Chanukah - Part 1)
- Patience is a Virtue!
- Mind Your Manners!
Volume 2 (Hebrew year 5759 - School year 1998/1999)
- Fathers Know Best!
(Emor (Pirkei Avot))
- Judge Others Favorably!
- B'Seder!
(Passover - Part 3)
- A Lot to Talk About!
(Passover - Part 2)
- It's Clean-Up Time!
(Passover - Part 1)
- Happy Shushan Purim!
(Purim - Part 2)
- Purim Sameach! Happy Purim!
(Purim - Part 1)
- We're All One Family!
- You are You-nique!
- Wipe Out!
- You shall make Me a sanctuary and I will dwell within them!
- Law and Order!
- Good Shabbos!
- Do someone a Favor!
- It's a Wonder-Full Life!
- Jacob Our Father Did Not Die!
- Pardon Me!
- How High Can You Fly?
(Chanukah - Part 3)
- Flame On!
(Chanukah - Part 2)
- Here's a Bright Idea!
(Chanukah - Part 1)
- Cheaters Never Prosper!
- Every Day is Mother's Day! And Father's Day, Too!
- Actions Speak Louder Than Words!
(Chayei Sara)
- To Your Health!
- Bless My Soul, O Children of Abraham!
(Lech Lecha)
- Thou Shalt Not Steal!
- Sunset, Sunrise
- Say Hello to a Good Bye!
(Simchas Torah)
- United We Sit!
- Get Back To Where You Belong!
(Yom Kippur)
Volume 1 (Hebrew year 5758 - School year 1997/1998)
- Passover is Coming - Again!
- Food For Thought!
- Shul is Cool!
- Do it Right on Passover Night.
(Passover - Part 2)
- Get Ready for Lotsa Matzah
(Passover - Part 1)
- Don't Worry,Be Happy!
- Happy Purim!
- Many Happy Returns!
- A Present from our Past!
- To Your Health!
- Gratitude is a Matter of Attitude!
- Compassion in Action
- Awesome! And Then Some!
- Pardon Me!
- Flame On!
- Get Ready to Light Up!
- Get on the Winning Side!
- Testing 1,2,3...
(Lech Lecha)
- The End Is Near! And So Is The Beginning!
- Get Back To Where You Belong
- Be Happy
- String along with me!
- Learning is Good!
- Give Peace A Chance
- Minhag Yisrael Torah He!
- Be Prepared!
- R-E-S-P-E-C-T
(Lag B'Omer)
- It only takes a little to help a lot!
(Tzedaka - Charity)
- Talk isn't cheap!
(Tazria and Metzora)
- You Are What You Eat, So Eat Kosher!
- Do it Right on Passover Night.
(Passover - Part 2)
- Get Ready for Lotsa Matzah
(Passover - Part 1)
- Mitzvah means "commandment." It's related to the word tzavsa, which means, "to connect." Whenever you do a Mitzvah, you attach yourself to G-d!
- Happy Purim!
(Purim - Part 2)
- Don't Worry, Be Happy!
(Purim - Part 1)
- Modesty is the Best Policy
- A Present from our Past!
- Sea For Yourself
- By The Light of the Sliver-y Moon!
- You Just Gotta Believe!
- What's in a Name?
- Just Do It!
- flame on!
(Chanukah - Part 2)
- Get Ready to light up!
(Chanukah - Part 1)
- Take it one step at a time!
- every day is father's day and mother's day too!
- I want a girl just like the girl that married dear old dad!
(Chayei Sara)
- Hospitality is a lot easier to do than it is to spell!
- You think you get tested a lot?
(Lech Lecha)
- Loose lips Sink swift ships!
- The End Is Near! And So Is The Beginning!
(Hoshana Rabba)
- Gimme Shelter! Sukkot Is The Time When We Dwell In Booths!
- Yom Kippur is the time for the 3 R's!
(Yom Kippur)
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